Featured Projects
PotashCorp Playland at Kinsmen Park
Concrete Edge was hired as a concrete subcontractor by PCL Construction Management to oversee concrete construction for PotashCorp Playland in Saskatoon. We installed all ride foundations, concrete furniture and seating, concrete play structures, concrete water features, flatwork, signage and the unique artistic concrete feature walls that enclose the train station.
For more information about Kinsmen Park please visit saskatoon.ca.
Sask Landing Regional Water Pipeline Utility Project
AECOM hired Concrete Edge as a general concrete contractor for this $50 million project. We supplied and installed all concrete materials to build 2 booster stations and 3 water reservoirs over our year long contract. Stations were built in the Kyle/Elrose area, specifically in Monet, Sanctuary, Lacadena North & South, and Wartime.
Visit saskatchewan.ca or water-technology.net for more details about this project.
Preston Crossing East
As a general contractor on for the Preston Crossing project in Saskatoon, Concrete Edge supplied and installed all concrete materials. Preston Crossing was a winter project, which required complex heating and hoarding systems to set the concrete. Project deliverables consisted of gradebeams, floors, sidewalks and loading docks.
More information about our commercial services can be found on our Services page.
Residential Concrete Packages
Though recently our business has been more focused on commercial projects, Concrete Edge continues to install residential concrete packages for houses and cabins around Saskatchewan. Package services may include excavation, piles, ICF installation, grade beams, slabs and all labor and materials associated with these services. Basement installs for on-site builds as well as RTM projects are also available.
For a list of our residential services please visit our Services page.